Unite, which had been online for three years since Corona 19 launched, resumed offline on November 1. Some countries are still implementing Corona, and since Corona 19 has not disappeared completely, it is not a form of collecting several people in the conference center as before. However, as it was held at San Francisco's headquarters, Unity's headquarters and core, it was a noticeable event that would surpass the constraints.
In particular, beyond the session that is held in the direction of the video meeting, the Unity-based VJ program 'Volta', the 3D world 'Future pest' created by music creators, and the performance of the player's character Futurist Various entertainment shines in the field. Like Unity headquarters, which boasts a flexible working environment, the office buildings and meths technologies are used to become a party for everyone who loves Unity. On the other hand, it was also a vivid introduction to the use of Unity, wearing physical and mental disorders, or for people who are having many difficulties.
This time, it was a photo on the field this time, when it was made by Unite and online and offline, which has expanded the technical accessibility for three years offline.
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