So, you are your detachment , and you illuminate it in a demilitarized zone, performing all the wonderful content that can offer the mode when you see that the timer on the left side of the screen begins to blink red and white again and again. Soon it was only five minutes left, and the announcer invites you to get to the evacuation until it was too late. So you and your comrades do this: go to prey and leave with abundant booty. But did you think what is happening after the end of this timer? If so, then you got to the right place, because we withstood the demilitarized zone after this ominous timer reached zero, and we barely lived to tell about it. That's all we know about the demilitarized zone after zero. What happens when the timer reaches zero in DMZ You think that the game just ends when the timer reaches zero, but this is not entirely true. You see, after zero, the DMZ turns into a survival race, and not into casual looting with an admixture of PVP. The first thing to ...