Star Ocean: The Divine Force will be the new title of the role saga and science fiction developed TRI-ACE. Presented through an advance in the last State of Play, it will be available at some point in 2022 in PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X | s. The story, which will be totally original, will present us to two heroes of two very different planets, one of them with a very advanced technology and the other with fantastic elements. Thanks to this game of perspectives, the decisions we take throughout our departure will be very important and will determine both the identity of our allies and our enemies.
As we see in the trailer, The Divine Force will give us the freedom to fly and float through its 3D scenario, reinforcing both the exploration and the speed at which the combats and the action scenes take place. On the combat system, those responsible have indicated that it will be unique so far in the franchise, with a simple and intuitive control that will not subtract spectacularity.
Star Ocean: The Divine Force will arrive just for the celebration of the 25th anniversary of a franchise that began in 1996 and whose last original title -NI SPIN OFF or commemorative - was Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness released on PS3 and PS4 during 2016.
Star Ocean: The Divine Force will arrive at some point from 2022 to PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S
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